The Winter Solstice Dance Sticker Sheet
The week of Winter Solstice, all the Bunnerflies put on their best winter coats and dance their little hearts out in the mushroom patch. A few games of musical mushroom chairs is sure to be had, too!
Both grade A and grade B options are available. Grade B has an imperfection in the foil placement, but the cuteness of the bunnerflies is still perfectly intact!
The week of Winter Solstice, all the Bunnerflies put on their best winter coats and dance their little hearts out in the mushroom patch. A few games of musical mushroom chairs is sure to be had, too!
Both grade A and grade B options are available. Grade B has an imperfection in the foil placement, but the cuteness of the bunnerflies is still perfectly intact!
The week of Winter Solstice, all the Bunnerflies put on their best winter coats and dance their little hearts out in the mushroom patch. A few games of musical mushroom chairs is sure to be had, too!
Both grade A and grade B options are available. Grade B has an imperfection in the foil placement, but the cuteness of the bunnerflies is still perfectly intact!